Trains to Gatwick

trains to gatwick

As Gatwick is the country’s best-connected airport by train, opting to travel by rail is a popular choice. Trains to Gatwick are frequent and if you book far enough in advance, tickets are cheap with one-way travel to London starting for as little as £10. You have plenty of choice when it comes to destinations too, with direct connections to 120 stations from Gatwick train station and a variety of providers, such as the Gatwick Express and the Thameslink. However, there are downsides too, as trains often encounter delays, it can be difficult to board with lots of luggage and for families and large groups it is not always the best value option.

Parkhero is dedicated to helping travellers find the best transfer options to and from Gatwick Airport. In this quick guide, we will show you what your train options are from around the country, the services available, the sort of ticket prices you can expect, where to purchase your tickets and the pros and cons of taking the train to Gatwick Airport.


Trains to Gatwick Airport

As Gatwick is so well-connected, you have a great variety of choices and can easily reach the airport with no more than 1 change from most parts of the country. In the table below you will see a list of the most popular routes for trains to London Gatwick.


RoutesSingle priceReturn priceJourney Time*No. of Changes
London Victoria to Gatwick Airportfrom £12.00from £24.0030 minutesN/A
London Bridge to Gatwick Airportfrom £11.40from £22.8030 minutesN/A
Brighton to Gatwick Airportfrom £9.30from £18.6043 minutesN/A
Cambridge to Gatwick Airportfrom £36.50from £61.702 hours 19 minutesN/A
Peterborough to Gatwick Airportfrom £18.90from £51.552 hours 30 minutesN/A
Southampton to Gatwick Airportfrom £5.00from £10.002 hours 4 minutesN/A
Portsmouth to Gatwick Airportfrom £5.00from £10.001 hour 35 minutesN/A
Oxford to Gatwick Airportfrom £15.60from £34.102 hours 18 minutesN/A
Reading to Gatwick Airportfrom £20.30from £40.601 hour 30 minutesN/A
Birmingham to Gatwick Airportfrom £11.00from £31.004 hours 33 minutes1 to 3
Bristol to Gatwick Airportfrom £12.00from £28.003 hours 21 minutes1 to 3
Sheffield to Gatwick Airportfrom £26.00from £59.204 hours 44 minutes1 to 5
Manchester to Gatwick Airportfrom £42.00from £90.506 hours 30 minutes1 to 5
Leeds to Gatwick Airportfrom £38.20from £76.405 hours 26 minutes1 to 4

*These are the average journey times for this route

The prices above are based on bookings made a month in advance for Standard class with return prices based on leaving and returning in a week in October 2020. All information was sourced from


Where to buy tickets

Where and when you buy your ticket for trains from Gatwick can have a big influence on how much you pay.

Tickets purchased online in advance can score you big savings on train tickets, as many companies will charge more the closer to the date you buy your tickets. To find the best prices, you will need to book your train as soon as you have booked your flight. Train tickets are generally released 3 months in advance and from this time you can access the cheapest Super Advanced tickets. You can book on the train company website directly or use a third-party website, such as When you book online you will need to either download your ticket onto a mobile device, print it out or collect your tickets at a self-service machine at a train station.

You can also book a ticket on the day at the train station at the self-service machines or at a manned service desk, where available. At Gatwick, you will find ticket machines in the Onward Travel area of the South Terminal and at Gatwick Airport train station just a 2-minute walk from the South Terminal. However, it is recommended that you book your tickets ahead both to save money and time at the airport.


Taking the train – Pros and Cons

If you are looking for trains to Gatwick, it is a good idea to think about the pros and cons of the service. This will help you gauge whether taking the train is good value for money and whether it is convenient when compared with other forms of transport, such as driving or taking the bus.


  • Gatwick Train Station is located directly at the airport at the South Terminal
  • Great value access to and from central London for as little as £12.00 in 30 minutes
  • Sit back and relax with no need to drive yourself after a long flight
  • Reduce your impact on the environment



  • Can be difficult to travel with a lot of luggage, especially during busy times
  • May need to change trains during the journey
  • Trains are often delayed requiring you to arrive earlier as a precaution
  • Not all services run around the clock making arriving for early morning flight difficult


If you are looking for further advice on taking the train to Gatwick, you can explore our blog with information on the Gatwick Express, the Thameslink and everything you need to know about the airport train station. You can also explore coach options from the National Express for a full view of your transfer options or even consider taking a taxi.


About Parkhero

Parkhero is one of the country’s leading specialists in airport parking, allowing customers to easily compare car parking options at airports across the UK. We provide all the information you need to make an informed decision, whether you are looking for Park and Ride, Meet and Greet or on-site parking. Parkhero will show you the prices, security features, customer reviews and our friendly customer service team are on hand to answer questions and provide support.

If you would like to explore options other than trains to Gatwick, begin a search in the comparison tool at the top of the page and see what your options are. Enter your travel dates and the system will return a list of the best value parking options at Gatwick available ranked from the cheapest to the most expensive. Find more information on the dedicated product page or make a booking directly from the results page in less than 5 minutes. You don’t need to make an account and there are no additional booking fees!

Start your search today and see what your options are with Parkhero.


All train prices mentioned serve as a guide only. Travellers should ensure that they check the price of their proposed journey with the service provider before booking. Please note that the information above is provided for reference only, and does not constitute as travel advice. 

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